Yes, it has been a busy day and Finally I can tell you about last night!!! I intended to give you the full blown story about Christmas shopping, lunch, etc. but let's just get to the important part of the day.....

I arrived at 4:30 for the 6:00 signing. After shopping all day, I decided to go to Wal Mart, browse until the crowd arrived and get in line. The line was already in place so of course, I fell right in. In minutes the line began to grow....across the front of the store, turned toward the back and I don't know where it ended.
She breezed in with a laugh, calling for hair and makeup...and the crowd was elated.
Ree took her seat and the process began; she took the time to stop, chat, sign books and take a photo with each and every person who had a camera. I thought that was very kind and speaks volumes for her character. She really is a sweetie.

I failed to get a picture that I would share with you of PW and myself...had my eyes closed in one and the other, well I wouldn't show it to anyone!!! I couldn't stop the flow of hundreds of anxious women with arms loaded with books to be signed...even though I wanted to. I did manage to capture Ree in all of the confusion,

The line moved from PW straight to Marlboro Man, Yes he came too, but not wearing chaps/ha. He stood so calmly by her side with a nice hello for everyone...After a short time he was swept into the line and began signing one of his many photos in the book that is dedicated to him, so lovingly.

I think to call this book a cookbook is is so much more than a cookbook. The picture are gorgeous, the stories are so funny and entertaining, (typical Pioneer Woman style). Of course the recipes are all to die for but it is just so much more than a cookbook. I couldn't put it down last night and finally finished reading it today. If you don't already have "The Pioneer Woman Cooks", recipes from an accidental country girl, go get it! I give the book "10" and the signing "10".

It was fun and I hope you all get the opportunity to see Pioneer Woman! She's Real!