Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Preconceived Notion
The process starts with me making a huge mess all over the house. Empty boxes and sacks everywhere.
The one good thing about this job is the movie or recorded shows I watch while working to keep me company. Hence the title: preconceived notion. I am guilty of having these.......
Such as my opinion of Glee. I don't like that kind of music and I don't like Jane Lynch.....preconceived from ????? Last night I recorded two episodes from last season and decided to give them a try. I had been briefed on the highlights of the show last time I visited Solar. What kind of music did I think it was? The music is great, I sang along and enjoyed every minute of it. Why did I think I wouldn't like Jane? She plays a great role and I laughed at all of her lines.....
The decorations are put away....YEAH! I laughed and sang through it all!!! Now I have to wait a week to see Glee!

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I'm Confused!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Let The Cooking Begin!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Ready to Eat!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Cream Puffs and Chocolate Rocks
Anyway, Sunday was his day to shop, so off to Sam's we went. Me with tissues and cough drops but I couldn't miss the fun of the day.
The sample taste tables were on every aisle. You can eat a meal just tasting at Sam's, and it is not all shall I say healthy.....
First came the cream puffs which were delicious and he threw a box in the buggy.
I went my own way after that to look at books and movies. Evidently there was a table of Chocolate Rocks...and various chocolate covered nuts..
After questioning him on the purchase of rocks and nuts, I had to taste and yes they are very, very good. I'll pass on the chocolate cashews but have no doubt they will be eaten during the holidays.
Last night while we were watching the season finale of The Biggest Loser, he made the comment that he had not eaten any of the cream puffs yet. I said, what do you mean, we can't sit here and eat cream puffs while this in on....it's just not right! Jillian would jump out of the TV if we did that!!!
9 Days til Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Cure - Part 2
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Cure
Sore throat, sneezing, and the awful aching!
All I could think about all morning was a bowl of vegetable soup. So I braved the drizzling cool rain and bought the ingredients I was lacking.....
And now it is ready to cure me.....I know it will....I feel it!
Add a piece of cornbread to the cure and it can't fail
Do you like cornbread or crackers with soup?????
Do you like cornbread crumbled in a glass and filled with buttermilk? Oh me, it doesn't get any better than that. My daddy loved buttermilk and cornbread and I followed in his footsteps. It is pure comfort to me. I laugh at myself when buying groceries. I read labels, buy low fat products and then march to the milk cooler and buy bulgarian buttermilk.
I'm already looking forward to a glass tonight for a snack.....
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Towering Oak Tree
Many, many squirrel have built nest and raised in this tree.
I looked up and saw bare spots on the trunk. I had noticed a few limbs in the yard but thought it was just due to wind or natural shedding.......
I fear that my beautiful shade tree is dying. I don't know why. We had an awful drought this year but would that make a tree of this age die?
I am so sad to lose this beauty. I should have noticed what was happening earlier and maybe I could have done something to save it.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Skywatch Friday
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Early Show ----No More!
In an effort to boost ratings, CBS will have a new cast on The Early Show, January 3, 2011. You must be kidding!
No more Harry and Maggie

No more Dave and the weather

These three are the reason I watch The Early Show....
I don't like it when one of the three is on vacation or on assignment....

From the web:
Yesterday we heard that anchors Harry Smith and Maggie Rodriguez, plus meteorologist Dave Price, had been axed from 'The Early Show' in a major reshuffle of CBS News on-air talent.
Now, executive producer David Friedman has been explaining the reasons behind the sweeping -- and, to many, unexpected -- changes. He told The Hollywood Reporter that although the shakeup came after a lot of careful consideration, "it feels sudden because there are multiple people and it feels like a big deal." It is a big deal to us....the viewers!
The change of hosts has allegedly been a topic of discussion at CBS News for some time, according to sources, and it reinforces the critical importance of chemistry in morning television. Announcing the new anchors -- Erica Hill and Chris Wragge -- CBS News President Sean McManus said "This new team brings vibrancy, intelligence and warmth that I think America will grow to love." Do not insult the intelligence and warmth of Harry Smith and Maggie Rodriguez!
Echoing that sentiment, Friedman said: "These shows are about the team ... It's about finding the right team." I don't know how you will find a team any better than Harry, Maggie and Dave!!!
Friedman has been in the job for less than a year, and under his tenure 'The Early Show' ratings have dropped to their lowest level since the 2000/01 season. He said that when he arrived he "looked at many different aspects of the show and tried to figure out what needed to be changed," adding that "obviously if things were, quote unquote, working, we wouldn't make changes."
But Friedman denied that the shuffle is just a ploy to grab higher ratings and thus higher ad revenue: "My mandate is a solid show, ... Ratings are obviously important. But as a producer I focus on the content and the quality of our broadcast. ... I'd like to say that the broadcast is going to continue to improve, and with that will come better ratings." Change the content and quality ......not the crew!!!!
So what now for Smith, Rodriguez and Price? Pink slips just in time for the holidays? In a statement released Tuesday CBS said that veteran newsman Smith will "shift his focus to hard news with an expanded role as primary substitute anchor on 'The Evening News with Katie Couric,' 'Face the Nation' and 'Sunday Morning' while continuing to report major stories for all CBS News broadcasts."
But the future's less defined for Rodriguez and Price: The statement went on to say that the CBS news division is discussing "prominent and ongoing roles" for them. "We appreciate Harry, Maggie and Dave's countless contributions to 'The Early Show' and are looking forward to the contributions they each will continue to make at CBS News."
The Early Morning Show has just lost a loyal morning viewer! They fired them to work on your ratings well it looks like to me that it will backfire on them. I hope they have the worsest rating ever and the exc.producer who has only been there a year gets FIRED next. Karma will bite you in the rear CBS.
I agree with this comment.......I will now watch ABC, Good Morning America......
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Have you tried the new Trop50?
The commercials are well done.....I mean orange juice with 50% less calories. That's worth a try, right? No artificial sweeteners...(well that's what the label says) I'm all for less sugar and calories but I do not like sweeteners so this sounds appealing to me.
I buy it, I taste it, YUCK! It is so artificial that I can't swallow it!
Now I'm reading the label (next time I'll read before I buy)
Orange Juice Beverage....beverage
Ingredients; Filtered water, not from concentrate pasteurized orange juice, malic acid, citric acid, natural flavors and (AND) Reb A (pure via brand). What is Reb A you ask? So did I.
Google = New sugar substitute Reb A hits shelves...Rebaudioside A, natural extract from the stevia plant known as reb a, got much awaited approval from the FDA. Coca Cola and Pepsi have jumped to try it right away in a few mainly juice and water products to see how consumers accept it.
Forgive me Minute Maid

Lesson learned!
These two have the flavor I crave. Good, Fresh, Orange Juice with 110 delicious calories/8 oz.
I'll save 50 calories somewhere else.....
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
A Day In The Nest
Trixie enjoyed staying in her bed and watching me work.
I used the leftover roast from Pioneer Womans' Perfect Pot Roast to make vegetable soup for supper. Soup is my main reason for having roast! I love the leftovers almost more than the original meal.
Laundry - done
Floors - done
Online Christmas Shopping - done (I love it)
IPod - updated with Zac Brown Band and The Beatles....yes....Beatles are on ITunes now! I purchased the Rubber Soul album...Oh I love it! In My Life is such a beautiful song, I will listen to it and the entire album with fond memories!!!!
I hope you all had a great day! We had a cold front move through after lunch and I am ready for soup and cornbread....(then Survivor) Speaking of TV, did you see Brandy's face when she was eliminated from DWTS? I know she was shocked, I was too, but she looked, shall I say angry?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Looking up through the leaves I couldn't believe the beauty
On the other side of the yard stood a magnolia that rivaled for attention! It's size and shape were breathtaking.
My favorite shot (I only had my point and shoot with me) was of Solar falling on the grass to capture this one of sweetpea.
I left wondering how many people stop to photograph this beautiful tree and if the homeowners know how much joy their yard brings to passersby!
double click images to see the real beauty of this tree
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Joy of Being A Nanny!
Can you hear her saying ummmm?