I just can't bring myself to fly home when the radar looks like this.......

Texas is cold but no bad stuff like Arkansas, therefore, I'm staying!!! It could be a bad drive from the airport to my house. My husband's reply was, "I know it breaks your heart to stay longer" hehe
I hope you all are warm , safe and happy!
Enjoy your extra days!!! I KNOW YOU WILL!
If it's anything in Arkansas like it is here in Southeast Missourah, then it's probably safer to stay where you are! But it sure is beautiful w/ all the falling snow... a few minutes ago the flakes were sooo HUGE & sooo BEAUTIFUL! I love to watch falling snow...
Be safe, have fun, & GOD bless!!! =)
Ohhh so you're not gettin the pretty white stuff... I'm so sorry! =(
Well, stay where you are & be safe... maybe it'll swoop down that way & be there all pretty when you get back home?! =)
Enjoy the extra time with your love ones. Be safe.
Better safe than sorry :-). Enjoy your extra "stolen" time. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary
that is just a darn rotten shame you have to stay here in Texas with those dang grandkids...poor you...LOL...wish we were giving you nicer weather...
At least you are "stuck" at one of the world's best places - sweetpea's house. Glad you're getting to sneak in a few extra hugs and kisses while hubby braves the storms. =)
Lucky you!! ;)
Enjoy your grandchildren just a little longer, Nanny.... It's not good to try to get home right now... The snow is not to us yet--but is on the way.
Oh yes...we all feel soooo sorry for you! hee!
Enjoy the girls..and B. :)
I know you will enjoy your extra time with your sweet granddaughter!
We are expecting more snow tomorrow..it's getting to be a weekly event this winter.
Enoy your time!
Looking at that radar, I think you made the right decision!
This looks like our forecast most of the time lately. Today, however, we saw the sunshine all day long. ;)
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