The 1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Theme Thursday.....Ghosts!The drive to this Hotel is worth the trip! It is located on the top of a mountain with the quaint city below. Take the winding road to the top and the view is spectacular! For the history, more stories and ghost photos click
Others Tell Their Tales Unexplainable things have been seen, odd noises have been heard, strange occurrences have happened. Our guests tell their stories of what they have seen and heard in the haunted hotel.
Never Been One to Believe
Steve Garrison, a cook for the hotel's Crystal Dining Room restaurant for the past fourteen years recounts, "I've lived here (Eureka Springs) all my life and I have never been one to believe this stuff." That all changed two different mornings in the restaurant's kitchen.
Morning 1: Garrison was "slicing and dicing" vegetables when he looked up and saw a little boy with "pop bottle" glasses, dressed in very old-looking clothes such as knickers, who was skipping around the kitchen.
Morning 2: When opening that same kitchen early one morning he flipped on the lights only to see "some or all of the pots and pans come flying off their hooks." He was quick to add, "I don't drink on the job. In fact, I don't drink... period."

Members of TAPS, The Atlantic Paranormal Society as they arrive along with a crew from the Sci-Fi Channel to film a segment featuring the ghosts of the Crescent Hotel for the Sci-fi Channel's show, "Ghost Hunters".
We spent a pleasant weekend at the Crescent years ago, didn't encounter any ghosts!!! But we made sure to locate the exit on the floor we were on/ha
Have a good day with no ghosts!!!!!