Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ray Ray!

I love Rachael......I remember watching the first episode of her daytime show! She started out opposite Dr. Phil and I made the comment, "Don't think this show will last very long" HA

Snap judgement is usually wrong from me! I haven't missed many episodes and love everything Ray Ray....including her magazine.

This month was one of the best issues ever! So many good tips, recipes, etc.

I just had to share one tip with you. Have you ever forgotten about the rice or beans cooking? I have and it is a mess to clean up....burned on the bottom of the pan doesn't come off easily.

From April issue:

More Ways To Clean Cooking Calamities:

You burned the rice, and now there's a layer of scorched grains covering the bottom of the pot.

Fix.....Skip the scouring: Fill the pan with hot water, then toss in a fabric-softening dryer sheet and let it sit overnight. The softening agents will loosen up the rice so it pours right out.

Good tip, uh? I hope I don't have to try it soon, chances are I will.....ha.


Tanna said...

I sure hope I don't have to try that stuck on rice trick, but I'm glad to know it for the chance I do!! Rachael Ray does have some very tasty recipes!

Solar Powered said...

Yes, we frequently have stuck on problems around this house. Will remember! I haven't ready my RR yet but can't wait! Thanks for the subscription :) I love it!

Deb said...

now that is a great tip....

Michelle said...

That is a great tip. I have read her magazine before and did enjoy it.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This is a great tip! I think everyone has burned rice in their lifetime..and then thrown ther pot out as it wouldn't come clean!

I'm glad to be back home from Sydney, Australia! It was a quick trip but very loooooong flights to and from.

Grandmother Mary said...

We still have the "stainless steel" pots we got when we married 37 years ago. The one stain that never came out? Yes, burned rice! Thanks for the tip.

Betsy Brock said...

I've never heard that tip before! Nice!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I am a fan as well!

I once had a list of ALL the MANY things Bounce Fabric sheets can help clean/ was PAGES long! I don't think it had THIS ONE!