Bet you have never heard of the Shack Up Inn! Neither had I until recently, when friends of ours asked us to meet them in Clarksdale, MS for a weekend. This Inn is located on the site of the Hopson Plantation and is like going back in time. They took a cotton gin and turned it into a two story Inn.

Do we look out of place in this parking lot??? I'm thinking yes, and I am also glad that I know the way home. But I shouldn't have judged this place so quickly cause it is an awesome place to have a great weekend. By the way, I am in the car and my husband rode the bike. I don't do bikes but I will follow along for the view/ha
Let me show you the inside of the rooms, take the stairs which are the inside of a silo to the second floor, go down the hallway to our room......

The walls of the hallway are made of corrugated tin as is the ceiling of the room, see the awesome fan(if I had one request it would be for a fan) The headboard of the bed is an old door, pretty clever uh?

We had a beautiful sunset on Friday evening! I have so much more to show you, but my computer is not cooperating. Tomorrow I will share the shacks with you. Unbelievable!

From the website of
Shack Up Inn:
the Ritz we ain't Blues lovers making the pilgrimage to the cradle of the blues, the Mississippi Delta, should not miss the unique opportunity to experience Hopson Plantation, located only three miles from the legendary Crossroads, Highways 49 and 61, in Clarksdale. Immerse yourself in the living history you will find at Hopson. Virtually unchanged from when it was a working plantation, you will find authentic sharecropper shacks, the original cotton gin and seed houses and other outbuildings. You will glimpse plantation life as it existed only a few short years ago. In addition, you will find one of the first mechanized cotton pickers, manufactured by International Harvester, as you stroll around the compound. Spend an evening enjoying live music at Ground Zero Blues Club or Red's Lounge, on the corner of Sunflower and MLK street and then pass out in one of the renovated shotgun shacks or one of the newly renovated bins in the Cotton Gin Inn. Their corrugated tin roofs and Mississippi cypress walls will conjure visions of a bygone era. Restored only enough to accommodate 21st century expectations (indoor bathrooms, heat, air conditioning, coffee maker with condiments, refrigerators and microwave in all the units), the shacks provide comfort as well as authenticity.