This week I am doing my most favorite thing in the world.....being a nanny.
Sweetpea has changed so much since I saw her in July. She is walking and enjoying every step she takes. She initiates conversation by saying her version of "what's this" or "whziz"? And believe me she wants to know whziz about everything!! So Cute!

Of course we have done some shopping and the Hallmark Store has been her favorite so far! It was all I could do to keep from bringing one of these big dogs home, she loved them so much. But I guess two big black dogs are enough for now.
Baby Mum-Mum's are a definite favorite in this house....keep plenty of these on hand!

I had to come to Texas for this scene....One that I haven't seen in ever so long...I tried to wave it north, all the way to Arkansas but reports are that I was unsuccessful...
Well breaktime is over, I need to cut up some watermelon for a snack.
I hope you all are having a wonderful week too!