Have you heard about the new book by Jodyne Speyer titled Dump 'Em'? It tells you how to breakup with 22 different people from doctor to hairdresser. Evidently I am not the only one who struggles with the breakup (never thought of it in those words) of a hairdresser. I now know I have not "broken up" in the proper way! Read the excerpt, 4 pages, on hairdresser
here I have never sent flowers with card saying thanks for all of the great haircuts, or lied about having lice, had to shave head, therefore won't be needing a cut for long time, or just confronted stylist with my decision to move on!!! What I have done is given stylist multiple chances to do what I want and not what "They" want, then I move on. This book says you can remain friends after a breakup if handled properly. That was my first clue that I have failed. None, not one of my prior hairdressers speaks to me when I see them. It's not like I made their business fail, they are all busy and you have to wait for weeks for an appointment. Here are some of my reasons for changing stylists:
1. Talked on phone during my entire appointment, multiple times.
2. Raved about being overbooked and couldn't understand why receptionist did this to her. I wanted to leave during appointment on that one!
3. Would not cut my hair the way I wanted. I even took a picture and she said yuck I don't like that and handed the picture to the person at next station. Funny thing was "She" had cut my hair in the picture and I loved it. I had gone to her for years.
4. Supposedly best stylist in town (highest price also) Cut #1 perfect. Cut #2 One side so much longer than the other, it was hard to disguise.
5. Ok let's try stylist that doesn't charge so much and I am hearing lots of good reports on. Cut #1 perfect. Cut #2,,,,she tells me, No you don't want it like that!
That brings us to the present, I am looking again!!! I think I will just go to another city, use fictitious name and change stylist every month = no breakup needed!